The purpose of these internal rules and regulations is to define the conditions and rules regarding access to and use of the sports facilities of all the Vietpadel club in Vietnamhereafter referred to as "the Club". They complement the general conditions adopted each year by the company operating the Club facilities.
These rules of procedure apply to any person on the site of the Club and its facilities, whatever the reason for the person's presence. The term 'facilities' includes the padel courts, he club-house and its cantine area, the associated buildings, the car park and the various walkways running through the Club.
Any individual can become a member of the Club provided he or she:
has paid a membership fee according to the conditions defined in the following article;
has been officially accepted as a member.
Application for Club membership must be done via online through the website for this purpose or directly at the club. The admission decision is made directly after the payment, and the the management after checking the blacklist, and the Club assigns its members to the membership category that corresponds to them. The decision to accept or refuse the application for membership is taken by the Club Management.
No reason is given for the decision and the decision cannot be appealed. Unless the Club Management decides otherwise, Club members do not have to re-apply. for club management each time they renew their membership. However, should the payment of the membership fees be interrupted, a new application for membership will have to be made, regardless of the length of the interruption.
Members may bring guests, who are accorded special advantages defined in the annual general conditions. The Club holds members responsible for their guests' behaviour and for ensuring that these adhere to the current internal rules and regulations of the Club. A member who has been suspended or expelled cannot be the guest of another member. Neither can members who have failed to pay their Club membership.The number of guests that members bring are undetermine and are authorized. However Guests must pay a fee if playing on the pitch and using other facilities at the Club.
- The Club's operating company reserves the right to impose, as appropriate and at any time, a right of entry for admission to the Club as a member. This right of entry is non-refundable, non-transferable and definitively acquired. Any member who has not renewed the membership fee loses his or her right of entry.
- Every year, the operating company of the Club decides the type, duration and fee of the different types of membership, and the associated general conditions, in relation to a member's activity.
- Failing payment, and after a reminder issued is left unheeded for more than a fortnight, the Club management reserves the right to take any appropriate measure (temporary exclusion, imposition of a premium, etc.).
-The members are entitled to play on the pitch, either paying by the hour when courts are available or paying a flat-rate payment for a number of hours booked for the period each year. The beneficiaries of a flat rate are entitled to relinquish their hour if they give advance warning to the Club Reception at least 24 hours in advance. In such cases, the member is credited the hour for future play, otherwise, the hour is forfeited.
The Club may pass on to its partners and sponsors the personal data of every member (name, address, email and phone number) for marketing activities. In accordance with the club and its members, every member has the right to access and modify his or her personal data and also refuse to share personal data. This right can be exercised by making the request to the Club. Any member with legitimate reasons for doing so is also entitled to oppose the processing of personal data.
The Club does not accept any liability with regard to accidents or claims arising from the non-respect of the present internal rules and regulations.
Players are solely responsible for any health-related issues while participating at the Club.
1 - Usage of the facilities is reserved to individuals who have obtained a right of entry or have paid their membership in accordance with the above-mentioned article 5; who hold a valid VPA license (padel) Accompanied by a medical certificate of non-indication to the practice of tennis or padel that mentions "out of competition" or "in competition".. Aside from teachers, coaches, parents and visitors authorised by the Club, for safety reasons anyone not playing are forbidden access to the pitches or other sports facilities. Players or practitioners aware of a breach of this rule should invite the person/s to leave the premises.
2 - Non-playing visitors/practitioners are banned from going for walks on the grounds of the Club and allowed for an observation tour only.
The car park is reserved for players, teachers, visiting coaches or authorised visitors, as well as clients of the cantine.
3 - Minors under 14 who aren't club members, from the Vietpadel academy or having made a reservation must be supervised by their parents, who must ensure that they respect the peace and quiet of the premises and don't play on the courts, run on the walkways or risk being hit by a ball. Prams and baby carriages are under the full responsibility of the parents.
4 - Dogs are only allowed on the walkways if kept on a leash (all dogs) and muzzle by their owners who are fully responsible for any damages, incidents or inconvenience caused by their dog. Any rubbish or excrements left by a dog must be picked up by its owner. The penalty will be if the owner does not respect those rules. The owner of a noisy or turbulent dog may be asked to leave the premises. However, dogs are forbidden on the pitches.
5 -The men's and women's changing rooms are for the sole use of players and practitioners during the opening hours of the Club. Showering kits are available at reception. Only Club members may use a locker or private cupboard, subject to availability. The using period is valid for the duration of the pitches booking. It is up to the members to close their locker by whatever means they judge appropriate to avoid it being broken into (padlocks). The Club accepts no responsibility, notably in case of theft, if a locker or cupboard isn't securely protected or closed in the absence of its renter.
6 - The cantine is open to Club members and their guests, as well as to outsiders. However, the latter are not authorised to use any other Club facilities, except for the toilets. Any person accessing the cantine is expected to respect the internal rules and regulations that apply to these premises, and the guidelines specific to this activity.
7 - Radios and audio machines are not allowed on the Club premises unless an exemption has been made by the management. During official competitions, the use of mobile phones near the courts is forbidden.
8 - The properties adjoining the Club are private properties that are outside the game areas. Their access is strictly forbidden, whatever the reason, e.g. to fetch or recover a ball.
Padel players can only access to the pitches through advance booking. Access to other sports and leisure activities is specified in the conditions specific to their practice.
The opening times of the Club pitches and other facilities are set by the Club management which reserves the right to modify these at any moment, notably for maintenance work and tournaments or in case of exceptional weather conditions. The Club management also reserves the right to close the pitches and other facilities for a given period (e.g. end-of-year holidays, week-day closure in low season, renovation works, etc.) Such modifications or closures do not entitle club members to any indemnity or compensation of any nature.
Vietpadel has the right to reserve the courts for padel classes. If players book the courts at the same time of the padel classes, Vietpadel may take the courts back and refund the players (if the players are not members). We encourage players to look at the list of courts, hours and locations of current padel classes and avoid booking those slots. That list can be found here
Advance bookings for a padel pitch can be made online via the computerized booking system on the Club's website.
The coaches, Academy, other partners and Teams occupy the pitches following a fixed predetermined schedule and enjoy special conditions determined by the Club management.
Advance reservations by members can be made 6 days in advance for padel (eg. Tuesday to the next Monday).
Members can only book two hours session per day at the time. (eg. If a member book a court from 8am to 10am on Monday, that same member can't book another court the same day until the his session finishes, once the session finishes at 10am, he will be able to book again for that same day). Please note that the online booking system does not take into consideration this rule yet, therefor the club management reserve the right to suspend the membership account or friendly remind the members.
Members can only book 1 slot online, therefore if a member book the full court on our online booking system, he will be responsible to pay for the 3 other slots before the time of the booking. If a member play with other members we strongly advice to book slot by slot only. If the member fail to make payment, your account will be suspended until payment is made.
Members who want to book the full court for their own practice/training/coaching, will have to make payment for the 3 other slots in accordance with the court fee. If the member fail to make payment his account will be suspended until payment is made.
Players can always call or check reservations on the Internet to see if a court is available the same day.
An advance booking for a pitch that isn't honoured will automatically be due if the booking isn't cancelled 24 hours before on the online booking system of the club.
Members cancellation, please make sure to cancel the court 24 hours in advance, pass that timeline the club management reserve the right to suspend the membership to the members.
It is strictly prohibited to share your membership account with others in any form. A first violation will result in a warning and a 1-week account suspensuon. A second violation will lead to a permanent account suspension. In case another player, who is not a member, shows up and play for a member booking, the member who provides the booking will be responsible for the payment of that slot.
Temporary Closure and Alternative Access Policy In the event that a specific location is temporarily closed due to unforeseen circumstances, such as government inspections or maintenance, we will make every effort to accommodate affected members. During such closures, members will be granted access to play at one of our other available locations. This arrangement will remain in effect until the originally designated location reopens.
The hour/s and lighting fees must be paid before playing.
An accompanying member must pay the right of way, members guest fees according to Price and Rate, depending on the pitch chosen. This right of way, the guest fee is not fractionable.
In case of bad weather, only the maintenance staff, the Club manager or a teacher/coach may decide whether pitches can be used. Access to a pitch is strictly forbidden when the net is down or the pitch is being renovated.
Children under the age of 8 may only play on the pitches with their parents supervision. They can play against other children.
Members playing at night will have to pay the Club for lighting at the current rate. Team players training at night are exempted.
Priority reservations concern Vietpadel Academy, team competitions, team training (adults, juniors and veterans), tournaments and Club animations. These are posted 48 hours in advance.
- A coach outside of Vietpadel will be required to register as a coach with VietPadel.
- It is at the discretion of The Vietpadel team management to accept the outside coach or not.
- The Vietpadel management team can refuse any outside coach in its club at any moment, even after initially being accepted as an outside coach and without explanation.
- An outside coach can be a member, and their membership can be suspended and/or terminated at any moment and without any compensation and without explanation nor refund by the Vietpadel management team if they are in violation of the VietPadel coaching rules.
- In case that the outside coach is accepted, a 250.000VND fixed fee for coaching in Vietpadel facilities is applied for every hour of coaching and per court.
If the outside coach is coaching on 1 court for:
1 member --> 75% of the court fee will apply
2 Members --> 50% of the court fee will apply.
3 Members --> 25% of the court fee will apply
4 members and more = no court fees apply
If the outside coach is coaching on 1 court non members, 100% of the court fees will be apply.
The outside coach must collect all payments from its customers (coaching fee and court fee) and pay the management before or right after the coaching session.
The outside coach is responsible for his own padel program, schedule and pricing. The Vietpadel management does not take care of anything related to the outside coach, and is not responsible of any acts of the outside coach - Players who are taking lessons with the outside coach should not come to the Vietpadel management for any matters concerning the outside coach.
The outside coach must not promote himself as a Vietpadel coach/head coach or any position/relationship with Vietpadel and should inform its customers about it.
An outside coach can not use the equipments of the Vietpadel clubs such as (cones, balls, basket, ball pick up etc...).
If any rules are not followed correctly, the Vietpadel management can refuse the entry of the outside coach, at any time and at any Vietpadel facilities, even if the outside coach is a player’s member of Vietpadel clubs.
Club members must respect the hygiene and cleanliness rules that apply to the facilities, notably as regards changing rooms and toilets. They must not leave behind papers, ball tins, bottles, bags, rackets, etc. Every member is beholden to respect the well-being of others in the Club and to avoid doing anything that might interfere with their well-being.
At the end of the hour or hours of play, players must see to it that they leave the pitches ready for the next players.
Members should dress appropriately within the Club and on the pitches. A naked torso is forbidden! On the pitches, only appropriate tennis shoes are allowed. Members should wear the appropriate clothes sports activities.
Avoid wearing watch, jewelry, button to avoid an impact on the glass walls and with your double partner.
Certain sports, health care and wellbeing professionals ־ listed in Reception and in the rooms - are authorized to treat non-members at their usual rates, posted in the rooms. These rates apply also for members and are not covered by membership contributions. Visitors to the Club must comply with these internal rules and regulations.
Any damage to facilities or machines, whether accidental or not, should be immediately reported to Reception.
Members and practitioners must ensure the smooth functioning of the material the Club places at their disposal. Any malfunction or breakdown should immediately be reported to Reception.
Tournaments held on the Club pitches and grounds are organised by the Club Management. The management also decides the tournament schedule and defines the conditions for participating in these tournaments “The rules” that apply are the VPA rules that prevail in all official padel competitions. In the case of unofficial tournaments and other sporting events, the Club management may adopt specific rules. These internal rules and regulations also apply to tournament players.
Any infringement of the present internal rules may be sanctioned. Sanctions are decided by the Club Management and reflect the seriousness of the infringement.
Serious infringements include repeated cheating during tournaments, wilful damages to assets or facilities, any theft, and any violence, however minimal.
Sanctions that may be applied include: - A simple written warning - Temporary exclusion - Permanent exclusion. No reason/s will be given for such decisions. The decision to exclude a member, temporarily or permanently, is sent by the Club director by registered post with acknowledgement of receipt. Exclusions may not be appealed and give rise to no reimbursements or indemnities.
It is also the Club management's prerogative to decide for or against the admission of a member who has previously been permanently excluded.
Any sanction ruled by the VPA against a Club member will be applied by the Club Management.
The Committee declines all responsibility for any theft or loss occurring within the Club or Club grounds.
Smoking is forbidden anywhere in the Club
Gambling and betting are strictly forbidden anywhere on the property. All offenders will be expelled from the Club.
Any discussions and activities of a political or religious nature are strictly forbidden.
The display of advertising and information sheets, both inside the Clubhouse and on the grounds, is the sole prerogative of the Club management.
The present internal rules and regulations enter into force as of December 1st, 2024. They nullify and replace the previous ones.